Founder of “Elephant Shoes” Blog
“Beep! Beep! Beep!” goes the alarm. I roll over to turn it off and before I get out of bed my mind automatically goes to “What do I need to get done today?” I start my day with having gratitude and focusing on the good however sometimes it is difficult to finish my thoughts because they automatically gravitate towards my to-do list. As women our minds are like a computer when you have 15 tabs open. We are constantly on a mission to make sure that our list gets crossed off. Often times we put ourselves aside to make sure that others are being taken care of and things are getting done around our environment. We don’t make time to check ourselves out and see how WE are feeling.
Hours go by and my day is half way over, I haven’t eaten a healthy and wholesome meal and I am running off caffeine trying to get the next thing accomplished. Admit it, we have ALL been there. I blink for a second and the day is gone only to wake up the next day and do it all over again. As entrepreneurs there is no 9-5 schedule, it is day in and day out grinding towards my goals and aspirations both personally and professionally. We are all extremely blessed to be able to call this our reality however at the same time we have to take time for our self with self-care and love.
I decided to come up with a self-love checklist that can be used as your personal guide to a balanced and happy life. I’m sure you are thinking “Not another thing I have to do” but the truth is if we don’t take care of ourselves now then what are we going to do years from now when it is too late? I wanted to share this guide that I created that helps me to put my thoughts together on a daily basis and live everyday with mindful intentions. I hope that this guide helps you to live YOUR most authentic and true self.
By using this daily guide your mind, body, and soul will thank you. After all, it starts from within us in order to be the best versions of ourselves.
Dakotah Hale is the founder of “Elephant Shoes,” A love & lifestyle blog that is dedicated to inspire you to love and create everything you have ever dreamed of. After all, when you whisper “Elephant Shoes” it silently appears that you are saying “I love you” from far away. I currently reside in Dallas, TX and I am constantly on the search for new wellness hacks and focusing on spreading peace and love online as well as in my community.